Contact me at starfightersmodelblog(at)mindspring(dot)com

Airplanes, Rocketry, Missiles, Spacecraft and things that go WHOOSH! in the night.
What's flying around my head at the current time.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Dragon and His Tail Being Repainted 

the Colings Foundation is repainting thier B-24. When they started touring the plane was painted in the markings of the "All American" from the 15th Air Force (Mediterranean Theatre). They then repainted her in the spectacular markings of "The Dragon and His Tail" in honor of the Pacific Liberator crews. Now they are going for an 8th Air Force Bomber, "Witchcraft" from the 467th Bomb group, 790th Bomb Squadron. This plane completed 130 combat missions. very cool.

Consolidated B-24J Liberator - The Collings Foundation
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