Contact me at starfightersmodelblog(at)mindspring(dot)com

Airplanes, Rocketry, Missiles, Spacecraft and things that go WHOOSH! in the night.
What's flying around my head at the current time.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Another WWII Ace Goes West 

Spotted this on Hyperscale's "Plane Talking" message forum today:

Lt. Col. J.M. "Willie" Williams passed away May 10, 2004, in Austin, Texas, at the age of 86. Col. Williams scored six confirmed kills serving with 76th Fighter Squadron/23rd Fighter Group in China during 1943. Before he retired from the Air Force in 1969, Col. Williams was a military advisor to the Vietnam Air Force, during which time he flew combat missions in A-1H Skyraiders. Described as a modest man with a great sense of humor, he was one of the good guys.
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